(at left: Kim Hollenback rendered as a spear-wielding Valkyrie by Victor Leshyk, work in progress, 2009. Sorry, but the cool body armor is illustration only.)
VICTOR LESHYK (illustration and design) works in the areas of scientific illustration, fantastical art, and all-around art and design. His work can be found in public and museum exhibits, book design and illustration, peer-reviewed journals, and works of fine art. Personal “fantasy portraits” like the work-in-progress shown above are a new specialty. Visit him online at www.victorleshyk.com, or e-mail him at victorleshyk@esedona.net.
JOSH LILLIS – Sedona Sign Company. Art, Industrial, Graphic Design. Vehicle graphics and wraps, Signs, Banners, Large Format Printing. No job too small or too large. (928) 231-3574 sedonasigns@gmail.com
RYAN BELNAP (photography) photoreed@gmail.com
BOB COATES (photography) www.bcphotography.com