In these troubled times of economic hardship, sky-high gas prices, new leaders &
the possibility of staying in the work force for longer than we originally thought, the
importance of maintaining good health is higher than ever before. Diseases such
as diabetes, heart disease & cancer are on the rise. Overbooked schedules lend
themselves to fast food and skipped workouts and doing things for ourselves tends
to get pushed to the bottom of the to-do list. But the bottom line is that if we don’t
take care of ourselves, our life force, and our vitality; we won’t be able to take care of
anything or anyone. We need stamina and strength for the tough years that lie ahead
for our country. Taking care of our health has become and even bigger priority than
ever before.

We need to re-commit to taking care of our bodies this season. Not just the usual New
Year’s resolution to get in shape, but a real change in body awareness. Attention must
be paid to how we are “fueling the machine” and how we can add physical activity to
our routines. I could write pages and pages of “how to get in shape” but you know what
to do. You know what foods are good for you and which ones aren’t. You know what
kind of fitness activities you prefer and which people you enjoy doing them with. The
challenge now, as it always has been, is getting the motivation to do it.

Here’s how – make up your mind and just do it! I know it’s a cliché but it’s true. Decide
on the activities and then put them on your calendar or in your day planner and then
stick to it. If you had a lunch scheduled with a friend, and something came up, most
likely you would keep your appointment with your friend and find a better time to tend
to the other matter. Treat your “date” with yourself as you would any other date or
appointment. Plan it, dress for it, reschedule anything else around it, and Just Do It.
Remember, the to-do list is never finished. The “pile” is never gone. There will always
be chores to do. We need to make our health our number one priority…now more than
ever before.

If you were in the cardiac care wing of the hospital after a heart-attack, or in the cancer
ward after having a diseased body part removed, you wouldn’t give a rip about the stock

Let’s get serious about treating our bodies with the respect that they deserve. Many of
us have a long way to go before retirement. The country is in trouble and we need to
try harder than we ever have before. The planet will settle for nothing but our very best
right now. Let’s give it to her

By Kim Hollenback